Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pressing On Without Looking Back (Too Much)

I have had a weird few weeks. And I think I have finally discovered why I seem all out of sorts. I have been taking this herbal supplement to help with my blood pressure. It has been moderate for some time now and I was trying to deal with it in a way other than getting on prescription medication. The problem with the herbal remedy is that it was not really working (after almost a month on it) and it is/was making me very anxious and paranoid. I got to thinking about the last time I really felt like this for absolutely no reason and it was the last time I tried taking an herbal supplement (then it was to lose weight). I should learn from the past, but more often I am forgetful of such things. Oh well, I will eventually get to the doctor and decide where to go from there, but at least I will be back to my normal self and not quite so paranoid. Unless you have heard from someone that I should be paranoid. ; )
We had a great Sunday morning. My wife was the guest speaker for all three of our morning worship services. Our church does a special Education Sunday each fall before school begins. Usually they invite someone from the school board or another educational official in the community. But this year they decided to ask my wife to take part and she did a phenomenal job. Remember, we are Methodists, so we think it is wonderful to have a woman speak in the pulpit. At least I do. She spoke about Jesus, the Master Teacher and what He could teach us today. She talked about prayer and love, but the most striking point of her message was about how Christ teaches us to trust Him. Faith, hope, grace--these are things we say we have, but they are abstract, and no one can really tell if you have them or not. She commented about how that she grew up in a Christian home, went to a Christian university (even has a minor in Biblical studies), has a Christian home herself, but still she really did not understand what it meant to really trust the Lord. She talked about when her mom died that she hoped for the best, but really did not trust God. That is, until a couple of summers ago when she began to consciously pray that God would help her to trust Him and to abandon her desire to control her future. What she does not know is that I, too, was praying the same thing for me and for her. It was about that time that I began to seriously talk to her about the possibility of making a major move. You know, I tried to stay where I was. I even tried to become a Baptist. That did not work. So, the moral of the story was that she began to trust the Lord, and the more she trusted the more He provided for us.
Well, I needed to be reminded of this today. I have been worried about a lot of things, especially money lately. We took a large pay cut when we moved to Florida and everything here is MUCH more expensive than in Texas. It has been a struggle for me to remain focused on the task at hand. I am grateful that God has opened up a door for me to teach at the community college and to start teaching some voice lessons to make up for my lost income. I cannot say how thankful I am that He cares enough to open doors for me to serve in my gifts, but to continue to serve in my present capacity. It is encouraging to hear the voice of the Lord speaking to me through my wife. I am just glad He is there.
In other news: I am now only overweight rather than obese. I calculated my BMI and that was the good news. I guess I should be proud, but I realize I will likely never achieve the perfect weight for my height. I think those BMI folks are crazy. And this is not my herb-induced paranoia speaking.
I have watched High School Musical 2 two times now. I am afraid that my children are rubbing off on me. I am becoming a tween. But those songs are just so darn catchy. I think I need to go to Walt Disney World. You know, it is the happiest place on earth.
We dubbed our new wirehaired dachschund Winston. He is a good little dog, only messes in the floor every other hour. He does know what outside is for, I just think he is already trying to mark territory. We will see how long I can stand that without having him neutered. He is from a champion blood line, but I really cannot fathom breeding a dog.
And last, you know you are a Methodist when you watch Star Wars and reply to "May the force be with you" with "And also with you."
Peace be with you.


graminokc said...

So much fun catching up with you and seeing your beautiful family! I'd love to talk to your mom again. Where are they now?
Barbara Miller

Dr. Keaton said...

Barbara, great to hear from you. My parents live in Denton, Texas. They have been there for several years now and I know my mom would love to hear from you. Have Tim email me your email address and I will forward it on to her so she can send you her contact information.

My2BoysNMe said...

Awww (waves to Mrs. Miller) Hi!!!!
(Amiee Hervey)

My 6 year old and I got to catch all but the first 30 minutes of HSM2. I liked it too, but thought it was more "teeny" than the first. I spend alot of time in the 4th grade classroom (as a teacher's aide). Our school's computer guru was in our classroom the other day working on a computer. He suddenly turned to the class (and he's a nearly 7 ft tall usually stoic "geek") and nearly screamed "do you all know what tonight is???" When he got dazed looks from the class he said "it's the premier of High School Musical 2 and there's a slumber party at my house!!" I'm hoping he has children......

eBerry said...

Natural supplements are good.... to a point. Sorry those are not working for you like you had hoped.

Yes, Misty did a great job on Sunday. (Tivo)

I have not seen HSM2 (or 1). I liked "This is Spinal Tap" though. Is it like that one?