Monday, March 10, 2008

Real Men

Well, these last several days have been pretty quiet. Not much to report. I am freaking out that Easter is now less than two weeks away. I will be glad when it is over, so I can plan some things for Independence Day and Christmas. Tomorrow I will meet with our district superintendent to officially begin the process to be ordained as a deacon. I am looking forward to it with joy and dread all at the same time. I would like it better if they would just tell me I'm in, rather than going through this whole long process~more graduate schooling, psychological exams, etc.

I had one of those crazier than crazy Sundays. We had a funeral and a wedding at the church this week, so that meant I was going to have to set up all of the instruments for the contemporary service and the handbell choir was going to play at both traditional services, so that meant an extra 45 minutes to my already hectic morning. And, it was daylight savings day on top of it. So, I get to church at what just the day before was 4:58 a. m. to find that the bells and all their accoutrements were not where they were supposed to be. So, with the help of our chief custodian, I had to move all of them and do all the rest of the stuff I needed to do. Let's just say I was almost fetal until the custodian came in the door. Granted, it was just two minutes after I got there. Anyway, things went well in spite of the trauma.

I leave you with this video of a Baptist preacher discussing what it is to be a real man, Biblical style. You know how much I enjoy a sermon which completely takes the Scriptures out of context. Discuss amongst yourselves.

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