Thursday, January 10, 2008

Getting in the Mood to Blog

I have not been in a blogging state of mind lately. Not that there has not been much to blog about. At the beginning of each year, I am always more reflective than normal, so I can't believe I have not been burning up the blogosphere. Oh well, I guess I will have to get back into the swing of things for my loyal handful of readers.

1st: I saw this sign while I was in Texas that offended me. It read: "John 14:6 says Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven." I am always offended when someone breaks down the choice to serve Christ to a heaven or hell option. Not that it is completely false, but because it is utterly ridiculous to me to think that the only reason to serve God is to escape hell. This escapist mentality that many evangelicals have gets on my last nerve, especially since it is used so often to explain why we do not care about the earth or other significant things this side of heaven. We will have our first funeral of the year tomorrow for a very congenial man who made coffee for his wife Monday morning, sat down, and never got back up. A person broke down crying in my office the other day regarding the death of an estranged child over the holidays. Every time someone dies, we are reminded that we are not entitled to live the next day and we need to be ready to meet the Lord. But it still bothers me when we make heaven so much about us and our relationship with Christ so much about our needs. We do need to know Christ to go to heaven, but wouldn't it be a wonder if we knew him and he made this earthly life an amazing experience, so much so that we had to share it with everyone--not just because they would miss out on heaven, but because they would miss out on the best life on earth possible.

2nd: I am intrigued by the media and what they never learn about polls and the presidential race. I remember after the Florida debacle of 2000 media types said they would never call a race until after all polls had closed. But why is it that the media has to know everything before they really know it? I think it is a good thing that none of the leading presidential candidates has been crowned just yet. It is better for the country if there is no clear-cut nominee immediately. This way, we get to know the candidates better. And, though I may like one candidate over another, there are still many things that most people do not know about each of the candidates, and a prolonged period in the valley of decision can only be a good thing. In a later blog I plan to talk about the role of racism in this presidential race, but that is too much for me to get into today.

I hope you have kept all of your resolutions so far. I have been much better about my diet and I have started to run again after a 3-month hiatus. I am so sore.


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