Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Finding Normal

Well, things are finally winding down from the holiday festivities and our whirlwind trip back to Texas to visit our families. More about the trip later.

I guess since it is January 2008 I should look back at 2007 and see what I learned.

I learned I am not a southerner. Though I try, I just seem to say what is on my mind more often than I should. This is not a good southern trait. I mistakenly thought that since I was from a southwestern state that was kind of the same thing. I was wrong. I miss Texas and imagine that one day we will return. But not today (or this year, for that matter).

I was reminded that I cannot do everything I want to do. I realized that in my previous life I would overdo a lot, but I also had four months off over the course of the year. No such luck nowadays. So, I learned that I need to be careful not to overdo now because there is no break from the madness. This is also the first of my New Year's resolutions.

Another resolution I have is to be more thankful for God's gifts rather than frustrated by their timing. I am resolved to make each moment an opportunity to find God's grace rather than a reason to be anxious about things that have not been done. I want to take every opportunity to swing my children in the air rather than to waste these moments checking my email messages. And, rather than marvel at the many things we need to do, I am going to rejoice at what God is doing now.

So, my trip to Texas was interesting. I got to see most of my family, including my grandmother. I had not seen her since Christmas 2005. I had a wonderful conversation with my father's brother who is about to enter the Catholic Church this Easter. It is amazing to hear him talk about spiritual things, something I never thought I would hear. His discussion of marriage and remarriage was insightful, especially since he has had to go through the process of getting a marriage annulled in order to enter the church. He said something to the effect that if he had thought about some things earlier in his life, he would have likely done things differently. I think this is an important thing the church can do--give us a clearer picture of ourselves.

I went to the Kimbell Art Museum and saw the exhibit "Picturing the Bible" a collection of the earliest Christian art. It was good, but a little anticlimactic. I got to eat some good Mexican food, but other than this, we did little. Shopped, talked, and enjoyed being with family. I had one moment where I forgot about the last couple of years all together. I had this feeling, like a dream or nightmare, that everything was as it was before we moved. For the first time, it was difficult for me to leave. The girls were ready to get home and play with their new toys, but I was a little sad to go for several reasons. Now, back at home, I do feel at home, just a little worse for the wear. I seem to have picked up another sinus infection due to all of the different climate changes. It is colder here in Florida than it was in Texas while we were there.

Anyway, just looking forward to finding normal again is a good start for the new year.


1 comment:

eBerry said...

Though not a "southerner" as you describe it. I am glad you are where you are. This part of Florida is a lot easier to take than parts of the deep south (Alabama and Georgia for example). I think NW Florida is a good training ground for those who are soon to move to the deep south. Not that you are planning on (fixin' to) moving to Montgomery or anything, but you could if you needed to. Something for your resume.