Thursday, November 08, 2007

Thoughts From a Busy Week

I have been out of commission in the blogosphere for the last week due to some special things going on at church. If you have ever worked at a church while in a building program, you understand my use of the word "special" to describe all the things that go into it. This Sunday we are celebrating Veteran's Day and I have put together a visual presentation of about 40 of our community veterans for the day's service. It should be nice and since we live in an area with an air force base and lots of retired veterans, this is always an important day. Next Sunday we are doing one single service (praise God!!!) to celebrate and commit to our operational budget for next year and for the building of our new family life center. I have always thought it was funny how churches call everything by a different name, a more "holy" name. Granted, this building is not just a gymnasium, but it is funny nonetheless. I will be glad when these next few weeks are over, and by few weeks I really mean through Christmas.

In other news: Pat Robertson has endorsed Rudy Giuliani for President. I think these two make strange bedfellows, but who am I to judge? I begin to wonder whether or not Mr. Robertson thinks Mr. Giuliani is a true advocate for the evangelical side of the Republican party or whether he just thinks he is electable. Since I will likely vote for a Democrat, no matter who the nominee is this next time, it is really neither here nor there to me who Pat Robertson endorses, but it still bothers me that there is no one to take up the evangelical gauntlet. Again, maybe it goes back to this backlash of younger evangelicals who feel their leaders have been too political and not focused on the faith and practice of the Church and merely become pawns of the Republican Party. Who knows?

In still other news: Republican Senator Charles Grassley has begun an inquiry into the spending practices of several high profile evangelists, including: Kenneth Copeland, Creflo Dollar, Paula and Randy White, Bishop Eddie Long, Benny Hinn, and Joyce Meyer. The inquiry focuses on how these ministries are considered churches and do not have to explain all of their spending due to to their tax exempt status. The concern is that these ministries are spending Ministry money for their own purposes. One of my favorites is the question as to how a marble-topped commode can be a ministry expense for Joyce Meyer. It reminds me of the air-conditioned dog house that Jim and Tammy had back in the '80's. It is amazing what we can justify when we believe we are doing the Lord's work. I have to believe these folks, who probably do have a gift from God, begin with the best of intentions. But I wonder how quickly the success of the presence of God and changing people's lives turns into using their money for gold-encrusted toilets? "God has blessed me, so therefore I can do whatever I want to with the money he has blessed me with."

Most of them were going to comply with the inquiry, but they all seemed to be quick to say that they would be discussing these matters with their lawyers and other "scholars." I guess we will see how these affairs play out, but I have a feeling it will lead to further investigations and maybe, heh heh, a little accountability. I think we could all use a little more accountability in the church.

Rock on, Pat.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Just wrote a post about the Pat Robertson situation myself. Talk about a 180. He can attempt to justify it all he wants, but I do think most Christians will see right through this one. I’m praying that this is the turning point for the right wing movement. One in which they decide to be just as involved in politics, but to see beyond the self serving ones to the ones which could really change lives and help people to better see the heart of Jesus. Universal health care anyone? Check out this brutal article on Sojourners about Robertson:

As for accountably finally arriving in the form of a government investigation of televangelists. : ) I couldn’t be happier. That said, when the reports do come out, it will be just one more strike against the church. Yay. Really enjoyed that time in the 80’s guys. Thanks.