This has been the most stress filled day I have had in a long time. I realized just how shallow my breaking point has become. Again, I think this is one of the clearest ways God speaks to me. He gets my attention by allowing things in my life to get so hectic, so crazy that there is nothing I can do but focus on him. At least now others know how I feel and can pray for me in a way that might actually benefit me and the work of the Kingdom. Often, I would rather just go on pretending that everything is fine and then just implode in secret. But everything is not fine. Thank God, I believe it will be. Honestly, though, I am tired of fighting, whether that be the "good" fight or any fight. I had someone tell me that I needed to have more faith. My problem is that these last couple of years have been so wonderfully draining that it is hard to fathom needing more faith to get to some resolution. I really just wish for once God would give in and allow me to know a little bit into the future so that I could stop worrying about it so much. Again, I am tired and I need God to revive me.
I woke up this morning thinking about this girl I went to school with back in Oklahoma City. She was one of the oddest people I ever met, even to this day, and that is saying a lot because I have met some real winners in my lifetime. Remember, I have a bulls eye on my back that reads: "Tell me your story." So the story goes, we went to the Christian school and were completely filled with the love of Christ at all times. We just did not show it very often. Well, not the true love of Christ. She transferred into the school when we were in 4th grade. She talked baby talk with her sister. She wore very high heeled shoes in the 5th grade. There was one day she offered to carry the lunch trays back into the kitchen while wearing said shoes and she slipped on a wet spot in the floor and fell with 30 or more trays. I remember thinking she would not have fallen if she had not been wearing those shoes. No compassion.
When we were in high school, she always read romance novels and we thought she just might end up in hell for that (forget the fact that we were condescending and judgmental). There was this one day in English class where we all got up to read our assigned short stories. She got up to read her story and it was filled with things that could have been read in various ways. But, because she was always reading things we did not approve of, we thought her story was really a "romance" in disguise. Everyone started to laugh and she ran out of the class.
I never wondered about her family life. I was usually kind because I never felt like I fit in either, but at least I was a functional nerd. Maybe no one's favorite, but usually not the last one chosen either. I only saw her one time after graduation. I had moved back home to finish college and she worked in a grocery store about a mile from where my parents were living at the time. I went in the store a few times and she would be there, but she rarely spoke to me. Once she was at the checkout counter and did not speak other than normal pleasantries (and this was someone I had known at that time for over ten years). I guess I really showed her the love of Christ so much, she just could not wait to talk to me again. Now, granted, I went through a period where I was not very interested in seeing any of my old high school friends (case in point, I did not attend my 10 year reunion because I could have cared less), a period which oddly enough ended only a few months before I moved to Florida. It was more of a period of apathy rather than of contempt. I just cannot fathom what contempt "Christian" young people can create in the lives of their peers.
I am not sorry for being a good kid with bad judgment. I do not apologize for being stupid. If I had it to do again, I would have done things differently, but that ain't gonna happen. I just look to things like this, mistakes from the past, as portals of discovery that speak to my present. I wish I could look back without seeing these painful memories, memories I caused or that were caused by others against me. But these are in fact the things that have made me who I am. Thank God for that, because for once, I am really glad to be me.
Oh yeah, the picture is of me and Tom Greene back in 1985 in Wichita, Kansas at Colonial Heights Assembly of God after I had won the Regional Teen Talent Male Vocal Solo when I was 13. Wasn't I just a-working it with the mauve bow tie?