Monday, October 08, 2007

Klingon Boggle and Other Degrees of Nerdiness

Well, I have spent most of the last week under the weather. I think I probably drove myself sick. I had another bad day on Wednesday and by nightfall I had a fever. It has been on and off since then, but I feel much better in the evenings than I do in the mornings. I have had several epiphanies over the last few days, but the biggest thing I have learned is that I need to get over myself, not take everything personally, and just get on with life. Easier said than done, but I am going to try. Sunday was good, even though I was still feverish all morning. Monday has been great. One of my biggest anxiety-inducing issues got some resolution. Thank God for small favors. I have less to do this week at church because I am going to be out of town this weekend. I am taking the fam to the happiest place on earth. If I cannot get out of the country, at least I can go to Epcot and the Magic Kingdom and have a faux-international good time. I will buy myself a lovely French chocolate pastry and blissfully go to my happy place.

I have some new favorite television shows too. I watched Pushing Daisies and it was weirdly enjoyable. It is about this guy who has the power to return someone to life for a minute. If he lets them live longer than a minute, someone in the near proximity dies. It was weird in an Amelie kind of way, you know with the weird voice over (kind of like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in color scheme and Oompa Loompa voice over). But I liked Amelie, so that is good. I like a weirdly off-putting show.

I have liked How I Met Your Mother for some time now. I think it is one of the wittier sitcoms on television right now (which is not saying much). It is now followed by this show called The Big Bang Theory about these two quantum physics-type nerds who live across the hall from a beautiful girl who is a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory. I have never heard so many big words in a sitcom. It probably will not last, but it has the best nerd humor I have heard on a television show in a long time. The two nerds have this friend who always speaks to the girl in a different language. At one point he speaks to her in Russian and when she does not respond, he asks her something to the effect of "What, haven't you ever been told you are beautiful in flawless Russian?" "No." "Well, get used to it." Funny. It is funny to me since I think of myself as a nerd, but I discovered something very important after watching this show. There is a wide spectrum of nerdiness. There are arts nerds, and science nerds, and Star Trek (or Lord of the Rings, etc.) nerds, and on and on. I would rather be an "arts" nerd than a "science" nerd any day. Wow, at least I do not play Klingon Boggle. You know, it's Boggle. . . but in Klingon. If you are interested, and God help you if you are, here is the online Klingon Language Institute.


My2BoysNMe said...

I liked Pushing Daisies too! It left a little to be desired, but hopefully that was because they had to spend most of this first episode explaining the "rules" to us. Maybe I missed it (or it went over my head), but why could he touch the aunt's hand and she didn't die?? Eh, anyway, I like getting in on shows from the beginning and I definitely enjoyed this one!
Be sure to post some pics of Disney!!

CaliJames said...

"...I need to get over myself, not take everything personally, and just get on with life. Easier said than done, but I am going to try."

Posting a blog high in content yet low in introspective substance goes a long way toward your stated goal. Vive la vie peu profonde!

Have fun in the Magic Kingdom (though, as a point of order, I believe that it is our Disneyland that is historically referred to as "the happiest place on earth"-- an advertising ploy derived from Walt's dedication speech. In my opinion, "the happiest place on earth," wherever that may be, must be devoid of smelly, rude people every three inches with lines longer than a soup kitchen under FDR. So, good luck with that.)

Tim said...

I find it a bit ironic that the guy who had three of every Star Wars figure ever made is making fun of Star Trek fans. : )

Dr. Keaton said...

To be accurate, I only ever had ONE of each of the original Star Wars action figures. The irony is that I never played with them or allowed anyone else to play with them. And I still have them (my only childhood preservation).

As for making fun, it is all about the love. Nerds of the world unite.

Tim said...

Um, not to call you a lier from hell, but I seem to remember you having a set of figures that you kept set up all around your room, and then another set in a box that we were actually allowed to touch!

Dr. Keaton said...

Liar from hell. How easy it is for us to revert to older orthodoxies. ; ) I think you may be rewriting history with a little hyperbole, but as I remember it I did have a few extra that I played with, but not another complete set. My parents would have never let me have two of every one. That would have tipped the scale and they would have shipped me off to join the circus or something. Well, an evangelical circus. No, wait. I think I'm done.

Tim said...

Yes, I only used "liar from hell" for your benefit. : )

CaliJames said...

I have a vague recollection of said Star Wars action figures and believed that you sold them (along with many other childhood bibelots) in either late high school or early college. In fact, it seemed to me that you were always willing to auction your childhood to the highest bidder, but I digress.

Now that I think about it, maybe you kept the large ones and sold off the small ones. Or was it that you sold the large ones and wished you hadn't? Didn't we go looking for some at an antique store once? I think I need past life regression therapy. Or maybe I just need to log off.

Dr. Keaton said...

OK, I sold the large ones, wished I had not. We went looking for some and found them at a store that shall go unnamed which was down the street from that antiques/bookstore that we would frequent on NW 23rd Street in OKC. Particularly because the proprietress continually referred to her "stuff" with a certain expletive. In fact, I believe her "stuff" was just as good as anybody else's "stuff."

As for past life repression, uh, regression, I remember much but it is hazy like it was another lifetime ago. Maybe if we did not live on either side of the continent from whence we came, we would remember more. Probably not.

Unknown said...

i'm sorry to say, that though I don't play Boggle, I am fluent in Klingon.
