Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Now That's Commitment

I have always admired the Mormons. You've got to hand it to people who are that committed to their faith. PBS aired this simply amazing Frontline documentary on the Mormons this past week that took a long look at Joseph Smith and the complete history of the LDS Church. It pulled no punches, but was an honest look at the sometimes weird, always moving Mormon faith. Now, don't get me wrong, I do not think Mormon doctrine is correct, and people committed to a lie are simply committed to the wind. But therein lies my greatest concern: How can people be so utterly committed to something that is not true and how can we who have the truth be so lackadaisical about it?

Here are some things I have gleaned from the Mormons that could help Christians:

First, Mormons are so committed to their faith that they defend even the wacky things that the early Mormons did (plural marriages, for instance) and fully believe that this was a part of God's progressive revelation to them and their prophets. Mormons believe God still speaks to them today. Sometimes I wonder if Christians truly believe this anymore.

Second, Mormons believe their doctrine and want the world to believe it too. In fact, they believe it so strongly they baptize the dead so that everyone can have the opportunity to go to heaven. I think most Christian groups are so busy competing against each other that they could never work together. And Mormons are just interested in the immortal souls of all people. How ashamed should we be?

I really don't think most Christians are as committed to their doctrine as Mormons are. I mean, take a look at the American Episcopal Church, for instance. The Anglican Communion is about to excommunicate the Episcopal Church for ordaining homosexuals and blessing same-sex marriages. The Communion has given their American branch until September to make things right, come back to Biblical Christianity, or be demoted to a lower rung on the episcopal hierarchy. Mormons do not even consider the possibility of accepting homosexuals because they see this as an affront to the family, which is the center of Mormon belief. They excommunicate them immediately upon coming out of the closet. Whether it is right or not, Mormons have a standard that they believe God wants all people to live up to. Now, I am not here to debate whether or not homosexuality is evil or a disorder or a perfectly legitimate lifestyle choice, but it concerns me that Christian groups throughout history have been all too eager to major on minor issues rather than calling for repentance and forgiveness. I do believe that we should be able to ask the hard questions, and I have asked them over and over, but in the end we have to have a standard that we all believe to be true.

Third, Mormons commit their children to winning the world. When Mormons are very young they are given a mission and they prepare the rest of their young life to go into service of the church. What would happen if Christians expected this much of their young people? Where would the Church be if we cared enough about the world to make it mandatory to go on a mission? Oddly enough, the first Christian missionary ever gave his disciples the command "Go into all the world." It is amazing how good we become at justifying our lack of zeal and we have the truth. We leave the work to missionaries and those living in Africa and Latin America where they really need faith to survive. God help us that we no longer need faith to survive in the Western world, a society founded on faith!

I have begun to realize that the worst threat to the Church may not be Satan but the Church herself. The Church has a way of justifying apathy, and God knows I have justified mine, but I pray that we can become as committed to our mission as Mormons are to theirs. Work while it is day. The night is coming when no one can work.

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