Sunday, December 21, 2008

Getting Ready for a Road Trip

Well, I am so glad that this week has come to an end and Sunday is in the can. Today was one of the longest days of the year. We do this special musical/illustrated sermon at church the Sunday before Christmas and it is always a good service, but a very tiring one. It is usually a nice cap to the Christmas season and my swan song for the year. The three little girls wore their brand new Christmas dresses that Mimi sent to us. We went Christmas caroling as a church this evening and that was fun, except that I am completely Christmased out.

We plan to leave for Texas earlier than Jesus awakes Tuesday morning in order to make the trip in one day. Should be interesting. We will listen to DVDs and try to stay awake. I made the mistake of purchasing a copy of "Mamma Mia!" for the girls to watch. I thought, "Abba songs are catchy and they will probably like it." They have watched it four times since we bought it Friday. I can only guess how many times we can watch it over the course of a fourteen hour trip.

I will likely be out of the blogosphere for the next couple of weeks while we are travelling.

Here's to a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Ugh! Two hours of Pierce Brosnan croaking out ABBA songs? No thank you!