Monday, April 23, 2007

Back to the Blogosphere

Yes, I am alive.

It has been 6 months since I last posted to this blog and that is forever in the cyber time. I began to realize that it is actually quite a while in real time as well. I have had several milestones since I last wrote:

My youngest daughter turned a year old in November

I decided to go on yet another diet the first week of November. I have lost 41 pounds so far. So this means that since I reached my all-time highest weight in 2004, I have lost a grand total of 65 pounds. I am still not thin by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel a lot better physically and emotionally. I can run and not get winded I can walk and not faint. I realize that my battle of the bulge is about more than food and I am trying my best to keep life in perspective. Although, when things are not working as I would like for them to work, I often find myself longing for something fried or something chocolaty. I digress.

I had a wonderful December with my Choir. They put on a very accessible selection of music for Christmas and were very generous with me. They are a second family for me.

I had a weird Christmas returning to Texas for the first time since my move in February of 2006. It was great to see my family, but I just did not feel at home there. I thought it would bring me much more repose than it actually did. We were able to go to museums (they don't have those on the "Redneck Riviera") and see the exhibit on Hatshepsut, the queen who became king of Egypt. That was nice. I just now realize more and more that I truly am at home in Florida. My children are thriving in Florida in a way that I never got to experience before we moved.

In January I bought a new car. I left the Volkswagen cult to join my wife as a Toyota owner. I have an SUV now. I felt like such a Republican, but thank God, it gets very good gas mileage so I can at least feel better about my part in burning a hole in the Earth's atmosphere.

In February we celebrated our one-year anniversary of living in Florida by purchasing the home we had been renting for the last year. Oddly enough, we closed on the anniversary of Misty and the 3 girls coming to Florida. That was creepy and if we were numerologists . . .

In March I turned 35. I had this great realization that I was exactly middle aged if we consider that the Bible gives us only 70 (3 score and 10) years on this Earth. I think this is the first time I have been happy about a birthday since I turned 30 and had 40 college students celebrate with me. That was interesting.

In April we had a wonderful Holy Week and Easter. I got to be all "Emergent" and set up meditation stations for Good Friday. They were received very well and this gives me hope that I can do some almost innovative, yet moving things here and the people will be responsive. The Choir also did a wonderful job on their first performance of the Easter section of Handel's Messiah (reminds me of my university days with my Chorale). We had a wonderful response to the Good Friday evening performance. We had a string quartet and some additional instrumentalists who really added so much to the performance. They were very complimentary of the choir and asked to play again with them at Christmas.

I guess that is my last six months in a nut shell. I have posted a couple of other entries on Worship and My First Year in Florida. It is my plan to keep up with the world again and blog away. I am looking forward to sharing my thoughts again on the Church and its workings, but not today.


Stephanie said...

Filled with that classic Keaton humor :o) I'll have to send your site to Mark. I thought you were lookin' pretty slim and trim...I guess that's what moving away from "the trap" will do to you. Jilan was down for my birthday the other day and said of Mark, "He looks so much happier and healthier!" We miss you guys! Maybe we'll vaca down sometime and you guys can vaca that we'll both be in excellent parts of the country!

Chase and Kayla said...

Keaton, I miss your sarcasim and you in the music department at SAGU. You look great all slim, and your family is so beautiful, Emma is getting so big. Well, I thought you might want to know that Chase and I are going to be moving to Charlotte, N.C. this summer. Chase accepted a head coaching and teaching job at a private school there. We are excited about the job, but not so much about the move. I am almost done with school, Arielle and I are graduating in December! It was so good to be able to find a way to keep in touch with you! take care!